🤤 Drooling Emoji

🤤 Drooling Emoji shows a yellow face, the corners of its mouth turn up with drooling, closed eyes and raised eyebrows.

What is the meaning of the Drooling emoji

🤤 Drooling Emoji usually can be used as a display of desire in a person, object or concept, not just appetite, but also express a great interest or desire for things.

How to use the Drooling emoji

You can use this emoji when you want to express desire for a person (sexy, attractive) or object (e.g., delicious food).

When did the Drooling emoji come into existence

The Drooling emoji was accepted by Unicode 9.0 in the year 2016 and added to Emoji 3.0 in the year 2016.

People also call this emoji as

🤤 Drooling
🤤 Drool
🤤 Mouth Watering
🤤 Thirsty
🤤 Salivate
🤤 Slobbering
🤤 Spit

Other emojis like this one

Of course there are several other emojis that are similar to this one. Such as: 🍜😋😪

Copy and paste the emoji

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♱♡ ︎ಇ.
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