🤮 Vomit Emoji

🤮 Vomit Emoji shows a face with X-shaped eyes and is vomiting.

What is the meaning of the Vomit emoji

🤮 Vomit Emoji usually means physical discomfort and nausea and vomiting

How to use the Vomit emoji

You can use this emoji when you want to express the disgust and nausea towards something.

When did the Vomit emoji come into existence

The Vomit emoji was accepted by Unicode 10.0 in the year 2017 and added to Emoji 5.0 in the year 2017.

People also call this emoji as

🤮 Vomit
🤮 Throw Up
🤮 Puke
🤮 Barf
🤮 Puking
🤮 Vomiting

Other emojis like this one

Of course there are several other emojis that are similar to this one. Such as: 😷🤢🏥

Copy and paste the emoji

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